This is a blog about music, photography, history, and culture.
These are photographs from my collection that tell a story about lost time and forgotten music.

Mike Brubaker
{ Click on the image to expand the photo }

The Wedding Band

01 April 2022

The happy couple
stand arm in arm
as a prudent mother
and hopeful sister look on.



To the right
the bridegroom's family
and some of the band.
Count the brothers.


On the left
the bride's family
and the rest of the band.
More sisters
and brothers too,
though mostly uncles


minus bride and groom,
a wedding party of 52 guests
including ten members of a brass band.

It was a festive occasion,
a Hochzeit ~ a high time,
that needed music
and lots of beer,

and even cake too!


 Did you spot the third cake?
This unknown wedding couple posed for a camera
outdoors at a vague date between 1910 and 1930.
My guess is they are in a central European village,
and since Czechs are very fond of brass bands,
I imagine them on some Bohemian farm.
The postcard was likely a gift
for the various aunts and uncles and cousins
in remembrance of the good time had by all.

I hope they had a happy life.

This is my contribution to Sepia Saturday
where weddings are a fling thing in the spring.


La Nightingail said...

Third cake is on the left up-top. Great image to match the prompt - complete with band, of course! Would have been nice if the bride and groom had been smiling, but as you said, we hope they had a happy life together. Certainly a lot of men. Perhaps the sister will find her mate among them? :)

Barbara Rogers said...

How very cool that they had the brass band in common, between the two families! Three cakes was certainly a good idea, but plenty of beer would probably help too. By the time all had been imbibed, hopefully with some music playing, there would have been great smiles aplenty.

smkelly8 said...

Wedding band a perfect intersection of music and the prompts.

Monica T. said...

The women seem to be in a minority among the guests at this wedding!!

Kathy said...

A perfect match! I wonder if three cakes were enough? I think a couple more are in order.


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